

    The initial idea is that each partner is expert in one kind of BEAUTY (because the country has a meaningful in that field).

    According to its expertise, the meeting in that country will have that kind of beauty as main focus in AESTHETICS  and in ETHICS

    Target age 8/14 YEARS OLD


    COUNTRY -  Beauty of..

    • MYSELF AND OTHERS - Portugal
    • NATURE - Spain
    • FOOD - Turkey
    • SPORT - Norway
    • MUSIC - Bulgaria
    • ART - Italy

    During the meeting


    • Community building activities
    • Exploring the beauty of...
    • taking pictures - compare with the different partners country
    • best beauties sharing: sharing about the beauty of.... of each country
    • activities to get in touch with beauty of .....
    • Folkloristick part connected to that beauty
    • Community meeting with families - major -  associations


    In each meeting there will be also the part of ETHICS and children will run activities that will stimulate them in making ethic choices to preserve the beauty in... or to create beauty in...

    • Activities to make ethic choices to preserve ......
    • Activities to make ethic choices to create beauty in .....
    • Behaviours to stop
    • How can we involve community in making ethic choices to preserve ....
    • Connection with active citizenship and policy making
    • The art of giving
    • Find our ethical rules  and spread them in the community (when they come back)
    • Online meeting with all the partner schools

    INTERMEETING - between one meeting and another

    • Activities connected to the ethic and aesthetic activities spreded in all school (products will be chosen together)
    • Service learning about preserving beauty in art and architecture
    • Online mobilities (online meetings among students to show the products created)
    • Get ready for the next meeting - warm up and preparation of the products to present the best beauties of... in the next meeting