Brainstorming first ideas



    .. exploring..  finding out new things.  Find solution to problems.  Communication without apps.. sending and receiving letters, postcards.

    .. Giving...  make something for poor children around the world that matters to them but not to us.. Like presents around christmas (not much but much to them).


    Renate: Norway: .Smart oppvekst: A way to focus on the beauty in the students, to focus on their positive properties: What would happen if all children learnt the skill to see everything good with themselves and others? 

    Smart oppvekst Sviland skule ToE 28.02.18.pd

    We can make word doodles with good characteristics of the students.

    Gülcay:   the Real Me.pdf




    We have lovely nature around the school. We use our neighbourhood in outdoor learning

    We can all "investigate" in the surroundings for traces from the past. Historical traces. 

    We can do some art in the nature: landart, making hearts of sticks from trees and decorate a public tree?

    We can all find "beautiful" places in our surroundings and maka a photo exhibition.

    Enwironmental awareness: we can all have a project that we find out what will happend with the "things" in the nature: we dig a hole in the ground and fill it with t.ex: piece of paper, some plastic, an apple core, a pinecone, a piece of bread, some iron, .... .We look for it about a year after and see what have happened? 

    We can collect garbage/ plastic in our surroundings

    ART(architecture) ITALY

    RENATE - Sviland school has started using equipment from Lego Education towards programming. Lego WeDo 2.0 is primarily used with the youngest pupils ( to grade), and Lego Mindstorms EV3 will primarily be used with the oldest pupils ( to grade).

    In 2020 there will be a new plan for education in Norway, and programming is a part of the curriculum. Especially in Science and Math. In Science a main focus of the programming is towards creating new solutions for sustainability and use of resources. So there is a major element of creativity and innovation.

    In math it is connected to the element of algorithmic thinking and being able to follow patterns and a recipe to a solution.

    Displaying programming as practical as this tool does, is very motivating for our pupils. We’ve also seen that it’s a good tool to practice teamwork.

    TONY - We can find common features in our country's antique clothing and show the embroidery they where decorated with ,the meaning according to the ancient people  and the special techniques for making them.In our town we have museum and we can make live lesson in there.


    MUSIC (dance) - BULGARIA


    Just an idea.doc



    Where is the beauty? beauty is in food. Because food isn’t just food. There is an entire universe revolving around it: tastes, emotions and memories.

    Food brings people together. especially during special days!

    Celebrating different cultures and festivals with food can be delicious and fun for children.We can prepare an activity about "festive food around the world" During special days in your country, which food do you prepare/cook? What are your recipes? What do they include? cookies, candies, snack mixes and more?At the end of the activity, we can publish a cookery book? 

    What do you think?

    and also, in a meeting, we can go to the kitchen altogether and we can cook something special...may be in Turkey?

    just an idea!



    We have a subject in our curruculum called food and helth. They make food two hours every week in 6th grade.We live in the farmland nearby the water to fish, the hunters do hunting, the farms and have easy eccess to local food. How important it is with local food, how to support the local farmers. Why we should take care of the food, not wasting food. How to use the nature in our kitchen 

    Can we use the school lunch to improve our health ?

    Just some ideas....

    SPORT/Outdoor playing - NORWAY

    We can focus on the movement of the body. It can be good for physical and mentally health.

    We can make book or film with lots of good ideas of sports ideas and outdoor games ideas.