Team Kefalonia

  • Your goal is to create a memory book from the mobility to Kefalonia, Greece. Since we are also an eTwinning project, their must be evidences that you worked collaboratively, so you must use twinspace tools (Forum, Discussion, Team's board...)

    On 30th of April you'll present your work to the others groups and teachers in an online meeting.

    In this page you can:

    • post Whatsapp/Instagram/Discord screenshot of your conversation about the project (on the team's board)
    • post images or videos about team's work (on the team's board)
    • share ideas, materials or thoughts about your experience, your team and your work (on the forum : click on "Go to discussion") - Very important!!!
    • share the materials prepared for the final presentation before April, the 29th!


    You can create it using webtools like:


  • Team's Board