The term 'mosaic' usually refers to a decorative/art form where the image (two-dimensional, flat or curved) is constructed using small colored pieces of glass, stone, tile, ceramics, or some other material. In the context of this exposition, we adopt a somewhat narrow, but more appropriate meaning. We think a mosaic as a decorative or art two dimensions. The important part of the definition is the requirement that the iterations of the pattern occur in two dimensions i.e., in two distinct directions, such as horizontal and vertical.
Formalizing this intuitive idea of a mosaic, we obtain the corresponding mathematical concept: a tiling. To form a tiling means to cover a plane with various geometric forms (such as polygons or shapes bounded by curves – so-called “tiles”) in a way that leaves no gaps (such as polygons or covered) and does not allow for overlaps (the tiles cannot be partially for fully placed on top of each other). Sometimes the word “tessellation” is used in lieu of “tiling”.
We think of mosaics in the way they were meant to be viewed and thought about – as infinite extensions of the pattern that is actually shown. Being exposed to a small part, we contemplate the whole. The word “plane” in the mathematical definition represents that two-dimensional, unbounded surface where the mosaic extends (“unfolds”).
A mosaic is a geometric composition that is generated by turning on a figure (or group of figures), called basic module or tile, which produces the lining of the plane with the following conditions:
They can not overlap.
They can not leave gaps uncoated.
If all the polygons are regular and the same size is said to be a regular mosaic. The only regular polygons that cover the plane are the triangle, square and regular hexagon, because not leave gaps, the sum of the angles of the polygons meeting at a vertex is 360.
If two or more types of regular polygons, with all their vertices in contact, so that around each vertex is always find the same polygons in the same order and is said to be a mosaic tiling used.