
  • Questionnaire for Spanish students:

    click below to submit the answers given by the people you interviewed in Laviana (Spain) and at your school

    Questionnaire for Greek students:

    click below to submit the answers given by the people you interviewed in Acharnes (Greece) and at your school

    Later you will have the chance to compare the results in both countries.


  • questionnaire

    Laviana -


    submitting answers

    Some Spanish students submit the answers which students from other groups have given to our questionnaire questions



    Laviana - Responses

    More than 200 people have answered our questions, both at school and in town. This is the result.

    GR students interviewing their classmates
    Greek results

    Students asked some people at their school to see how much they knew about Verne and Around the World in 80 Days. Here are the results