GROUP 4 - means of transport

  • How will we travel in and outside the city?

    suleyman gur

    we will travel by zepplin

    irinh mstraki

    we will travel by bicycle

    Bahri Barış Kayan, Turkey

    We would travel by walking planes

    Matteo Fidone- Arnolfo Di Canbio Italy

    to travel we will use the Teleport

    Berke Can GÖKTAŞ, Fatih Science High, Turkey

    Underground transportation for both in and outside.

    Zeynep Gülce/Melahat Ünügür Secondary School/Turkey

    By flying cars

    Merve-Turkey-Eskisehir Fatih Science High School

    Why would we have just one way to travel? We should have buss and trams. And while traveling to far cities we should have planes, buss, ships and trains

    Kenan/Melahat Ünügür Secondary School/TURKEY

    By flying submarines because this is very crazy. And why not.

    Semih Güneş/Melahat Ünügür Secondary School/Turkey

    We will travel with hoverboard

    Ece Töre, Fatih Science High School, Turkey.

    We can transport by underground vehicles.

    Gülce Çelik,Fatih Science High School,Turkey

    we will travel by flying bus

    Melis Hazal PERAŞAN,Fatih Science High School,Turkey

    We would travel by tram.

    Batuhan Kaya, Fatih Science High School

    We could travel on foot it has to be small city

    Muhammet Ali Akçakoca Eskişehir Fatih Science High School Turkey

    By maseratis because everyone love maserati right

    Tuana/Eskişehir Fatih Science High School, TURKEY

    Skates and skateboards.

    Ahmet Tunay Çelik, Fatih Science High School, Turkey

    We would travel by jet.

    Jan, Lucia and Alba. Barcelona (C.E Montseny)

    We would like a city with flying cars and lots of motorbikes. And a flying metro. We would like to have free taxis too.

    Mario, Blanca and Ona. Barcelona (C.E Montseny)

    In our ideal city we want a car that can go under the water. One flying underground. A boat with wheels and flying boats. We want a submarine too.

    Nico, Marcs and Teo (C.E MONYSENY. BARCELONA)

    We would like to have a city with flying limusines with a swimming pool to go faster. We want a city with an underground to carry your car without having to drive! We want jetpack to fly!

    Ginevra Cornamusini, Italy

    In the capital city there are flying motorbikes.

    Sara Coppola, Italy

    In the capital city the people travel on fantastics skateboards.

  • Please put your name and nationality as a title in your post, so that we can see who are the members of the group and where they come from!