Which languages do you speak in the Inner World?

  • Welcome to

    the INNER WORLD school


    Which languages do you speak in the INNER WORLD?



    Maybe you've noticed there are no schools in the Inner World. Why? Because students teach and learn to and from each other. So this space is our school. And our school is made of meetings where we speak.

    As the first important thing we must have, in order to work together, is a common language.

    Having to work together under the directions of the Inner World Sovereign, we had to find ways to understand each other and communicate successfully.

    For this reason, we engaged in lots of extra activities, in order to make friends, get to know each other and even speak each other's languages (well, a little bit maybe)!


    In particular:

    - the Italian students of IC2 "A. di Cambio", Colle di Val d'Elsa, twinned one of their classes with a Spanish class of Centre d'estudis Montseny, Barcelona (these students exchanged letters and had video meetings - activities in English)

    you can read our letters here

    - the Italian students of IC2 "Leonardo da Vinci" (Poggibonsi) twinned two classes with two Spanish classes of Centre d'estudis Montseny, Barcelona (these students exchanged letters and had video meetings - act- ivities in English)

    you can read our letters here



    - the Hungarian students of Orczy István Általános Iskola, Szeged, twinned one of their classes with two primary Italian classes of IC2 "A.di Cambio", S.Andrea - Campiglia (the Italian students tried to teach Italian to their Hungarian e-pals, exchanging materials and exercises and through video meetings: activities in Italian).

    The Italian students introduced to their Hungarian twins some simple Italian spelling and grammar rules here

    The Italian students filmed some videos about:

    1) introductions - PRESENTARSI

    2) the body - IL CORPO

    3) how old are you? - QUANTI ANNI HAI

    4) Ballon song - Palloncino canzone https://youtu.be/4bnBNVCmyvk

    5) Thing - Oggetti

    6) Dress


    First meeting Hungary - Italy (5° B - S. Andrea)

    Ecco la documentazione dell'incontro del 27/02/2019 tra la classe 1^ di Monika (Ungheria) e la classe 5^ primaria di Silvana (Italia)

    1. Bambini 
    2. Canzoni
    3. Colloqui
    4. Incontri
    5. Presentazioni



    Second meeting Hungary - Italy (3° A - Campiglia)

    1. Working materials: 

    filastrocche autobiografia.pdf

    2. documentation and children's feedback here

    Third meeting Hungary - Italy (3° A - Campiglia)

    All of the videos (practicing the verbs ESSERE and AVERE) here .

    Students' reactions here (class blog).