Teachers evaluation

  • This page is to gather individual teacher evaluations at the end of this first year of the project. Find below suggestions for items that can be chosen for your personal evaluation. Feel free to pick in partners evaluations points you agree or disagree on and tell! The three colours are needed there!

    - project organisation among teacher partners,

    - embedding the project into national school curriculum,

    - enhancing collaboration between student partners,

    - innovation through this project,

    - many subjects involved in this project,

    - team work among my own school staff,

    - using the twinspace as a tool for sharing and exchanging,

    - transparency of the project reached on the twinspace,

    - various ICT tools used for productions on twinspace, or not,

    - intermediate and/or final student productions among the partners, or not,

    - transparency of student involvment into the project

    From Nerman Salieva, English teacher in Bulgaria

    Positive results :

    Teachers and students acquainted themselves with a different organization of teaching in partners’ schools. Patterns of teaching were exchanged.

    The project activities and presenting it to the local community have improved school’s reputation and have contributed it as a preferred choice for the future students and their parents.

    Implemented mobilities contributed, not only to improve the communication skills of the students in English, but also to learn about different cultures - food, lifestyles, holidays and sightseeings.

    Supplied car Renault Zoe provided students and teachers practical training opportunity to learn about the new technologies in the automotive industry.

    Areas where you can work:

    There is no durability of contacts between students – may be  we do not have information on pre and post communication between participants in the mobilities.

    Links between business and education institutions are not disclosed – the links for increasing the use of electric cars in the public and private transport.

    From Fatme Mehmedova-Hyusein, English teacher in Bulgaria

    As a first Erasmus+ project of our school I strongly believe that we are being very successful so far.

    Positive effects I noticed so far:

    • New technologies on electric cars is a field which despite being very interesting has not been well  developed in our country so far. This is a very challenging project for all the parties involved – teachers, students, school managements, parents and society of our region. Students loved working on it.
    • As mentioned before students from ethnic minorities and poor social status met foreign students, travelled abroad for the first time, gained valuable experience and knowledge about different cultures from the source itself – families and society. They have exchanged e-mail, facebook and skype and started friendships that shall last perhaps for a lifetime,
    • They developed many useful skills such as working in a team, creativity, responsibility and reliability.
    • I myself, as a mobility teacher learned a lot about school systems and teaching in France and Italy, became acquainted with many new techniques and ideas, created very good relations with colleagues from the partnering schools, made a hard-working but also very spirited international team.
    • I believe that we managed to integrate the project work in the curriculum. All the students were acquainted, well aware of the project and the most interested ones were involved in the transnational meetings
    • Twinspace accounts of some students were created.  They shared their ideas on the project with me and we posted their videos, presentations, files on the platform.  A lot of work, plenty of information has been posted in the previous school year.
    • They developed their English language skills and especially technical English in the field of electric and hybrid cars. Even the shy ones had the chance to practice and greatly improved their communicative skills in the foreign language.

    Still there are some negative effects:

    • Communication before the meetings between hosting families and guest students could be better. We can encourage families to have an online skype meeting before Italian and French students come in Bulgaria in October.
    • Communication between students on twinspace was not very successful. We must organize for them a few video conferences, online competitions, etc. We have to think of more challenging things to provoke them and attract their attention.
    • Perhaps it is a good idea to create a common facebook page about the project, where the students shall play a central role. They can maintain the page, create the content and the teachers can only supervise them.
    • We have to focus more on the technical aspect of the project. We have already painted the car and now we should try to make more changes inside it.

    from Odile Jenvrin, math teacher in France

    strong points from my point of view are

    - a visible organisation of various tasks among various teachers that is easily comprehensible by other teacher partners abroad,

    - the French student productions posted on the twinspace also belong to the regular school curriculum of my math class in France,

    - my school staff really came closer to each other to reach common objectives, espescially me as a teacher towards non teaching staffs such as school accountant, student referants, supply manager, headmaster.

    - the twinspace is up to now the unique place online for sharing documents among partners, which makes it central in this project. The videoconference website webex was used three times in this school year for conferencing among partner teachers headmasters and coordinators leading to real professional collaborative work online across boarders

    - the pages ordered by subjects show the various subjects and teacher authors involved,

    - the partner students documentary videos produced on mobilities using tablets give me ideas for further math work through tablets also for my regular classes in French


    the points that I want to improve next year

    - partner students collaboration on line prior and after the meetings is very poor, forums are still empty. Students understand about collaboration only on site in a meeting and do not catch yet their rôle as ambassadors of the project to their mates staying in their home school. It is still very difficult to have them understand differences between school trip vs professional mobility.

    - I found very difficult to make my students answer to tasks posted by a foreign teacher as if they did not want to adjust ; it is easier for me to post my own tasks to others which turned out apparently to be also difficult to reply too.

    - some ICT technical aspects sometimes as posting heaving (far too heaving) files onto the twinspace,

    Finally, this project year brought to me partner teachers from home school as well as from abroad, although no math teacher which I regret. It made me insert flexibility in my teaching to adjust to these many new close colleagues. This project can surely be better, it is very exciting already.



    from Stéphanie Peyroulan, English teacher in France

    strong points from my point of view are

    - I did appreciate the Italian meeting. I met great colleagues, discovered another school system, another way of working.

    - the way students managed in the English language. Some did better than they usually did in class.

    - how the students could deal with the new technologies. It gives me ideas for new activities in class.

    - the interdisciplinary work: in my home school and the fact it matches the curriculum.

    the points that I want to improve next year

    - more communication between the leader of the project and the teachers who take part in the mobilities.

    - difficulties in having the students connected to the twinspace and answering the partners' tasks.

    - to have the opportunity to take part in the videoconferences.

    - to have the French students more involved in the general preparation of the French meeting - as were the Italian ones.

    For my part, I do hope that next year will be as enriching as the one coming to an end. I am ready to give my part of collaborative work to improve the project.


    From Mariella Vaccaro, English teacher in Italy

    Strong points from my point of view:

    - The various chances, offered by the project,  of meeting so many valuable teachers (and non teaching staff) enthusiastic about teaching and willing to exchange and develop ideas with colleagues.

    - The great effort by almost every member involved in the different activities.

    - The great experience of international meetings: I think everyone involved in them (teachers, non teaching staff as well as students) still keep it in their mind as an experience of growth and development, including the most critical or difficult moments.

    - Students performed their tasks in a 'professional' way and ( I agree with you Stéphanie) most of them did better than they  usually do in class, not only for their communication in English but also for many other abilities and competences.

    - Many activities have been a good challenge for interdisciplinary work with partner schools and among the different sectors in the school were I teach.

    - The project is extremely challenging because it involves lots of subjects and makes technical stuff intermingle with cultural/social topics.

    Points I would like to be improved in the following year:

    Defiine more clearly tasks for and expectations by every partner, so that we can avoid useless misunderstanding and impasse.

    - Find more ways to make students involved in some planning stages, so that they can start to experience about how to organize the work in order to reach a definite goal (some activities have already seen their involvement).

    - Focus on  a more detailed timetable of activities with, possibly, fewer tasks and more time to develop them. This is especially true for students' mobilities: in Italy students didn't have enough time to create really good presentations of the work  done in the labs. We all know that to learn to work under pressure nowadays is  a 'must' , but... some more time, sometimes, can help! (to get better results and not to get stressed!) 

    - The use of Twinspace has been, up to now, not so much for sharing and exchanging ideas but more for posting 'the already done'. I'm sure students have used other technologies to keep in touch. It's up to us to make FB, whatsapp, etc..less interesting for them... Or maybe we could involve students into this challenge: 'How can we make this Twinspace more used by projects' partners?' 

    Finally, as for my experience in life, the beginning of something is always the most difficult part of the job. If this starting year has developed so much in the project, the next year may be even better!