Learning meeting in FR, Feb 2015

  • 3 Italian students supervised by teacher Biaggio d'Ercole produced a short video to show the atmosphere of the meeting.


    Student collaborative productions from learning meeting in France in February are available in the following pages:

    - math-Pi number and Geometry

    - math-magic tricks

    - English-history: remembering the battle of Normandy

    - Car body- Drawing contest (see videos below in this page)

    - Car mechanic-knowledge around the car (see videos below in this page)


    Schedule in Caen

    please find in the attached file the schedule of student learning meeting in France, February 2015. It is still written in French but an English version will be posted soon. Some of you told me that they could read enough of French to obtain immediately an overal understanding of our preparations here. We are very happy to meet you all soon with your students.

    Project first student meeting is taking place in French school in Caen from 23rd to 27th of February 2015.

    We plan to prepare activities in transnational student teams on six subjects listed below. Each student will participate to two or three subjects among these. Most subjects are based on activities already posted online prior to the meeting where students already collaborated. The assignment is to produce a final product on this subject that is made visible on the car itself.

    1. Mathematics, showing geometry

    2. Car body drawings competition, show all drafts sent by students and vote the best ideas to go on


    3. Car mechanics training on electric vehicle and hybrid vehicle technology, first basis to students


    4. Engineering, the sequence on energy used in engineering

    5. Geography, a collaborative documentation on local sites, linked later through GPS system

    6. Culture and food, cooking together recipes gathered from partners' country

    7.one  more, possibly, still under preparation

    To remember, all students attend half a day of regular classes in French school. They are hosted by local student families for a better culture



    Here you can see our pictures from the visit it Caen:
