DAY 3-Learning Teaching Training: Spain

  • DAY 3

    On the third day, the teachers from three partner schools conducted open lessons for the Spanish students. The Turkish team presented 23 facts about Turkey and used Socrative as a tool for making quizez. Then, we observed some magic during Maths calculations via The Flash Mind Reader. The Lithuanian team showed us a board game: Welcome to Lithuania, which was really fun to play for the pupils. They answered questions, corrected sentences, looked at some photos, moved back and forward, depending on what the dice showed. Everybody wanted to win! Finally, the Polish team presented QR codes. QR code (quick response code) is a type of 2D bar code that is used to provide easy access to information through a smartphone. After a presentation about Poland, pupils coloured the codes, scanned them and answerd questions. At the same time, pupils from partner schools together with their Spanish hosts took part in a workshop called An hour of coding, during which they learned new skill while using lego bricks. Then, they had a picninc in the mountains. In the afternoon, pupils were with the host families and teachers attended the coordinators meeting and a workshop with Mr Sergio Bernal titled GAMIFICATION. We got to know a lot of useful applications we can use during our lessons, such as: Flipgrid, Heads Up!, TC Studio, Book Creator, Giphy, Video CD and many more.

    Written by Anna Szyk-Piotrowska.