the sense of sight and hearing

  • we begin our work  with the senses of sight and hearing. Please add your ideas in the dedicated forums

  • Budapest -Sight and Hearing

    We had planned our week and activities.

    SENSES PROJECT MOBILITY BUDAPEST 24/03 2019—29/03 2019
    Day Morning programs Lunch Afternoon programs Evening

    24/03 Sunday

    Flights Flights
    Arrivals Hotel
    25/03 Monday 9:30 – 11:00
    School opening
    11:00-12:00 School visits
    12:30 -13:30 Lunch Kaltenberg
    15:00 -16:45 Parlament!

    16:00 -17:30 Hop on hop off tour
    Dinner together
    teacher dinner!
    26/03 Tuesday 10:00-14:00
    Invisible exhibition
    4 turnus /braille
    in town lunch 16:30 -18:30
    1.Show Rehearsal
    7 szereplő! Dinner
    27/03 Wednesday 10:00 -11.30
    Workshop with Szuhaj Mihaly 12:00 -13:00 Lunch Kaltenberg
    14:00 – 15:30
    Interactive Workshop

    16:00 – 21:00
    Alternative city tour
    28/03Thursday 9:30 – 11.30
    2. Show Rehearsal
    7 szereplő 12:00 -13:00 Lunch Kaltenberg
    13:30 – 15:00
    3 Final Show
    Mindenki! 17:00 – 18:30 Folk dance party in the school/Patrona!
    19:30 Dinner
    Farewell party till 21:00
    29/03 Friday Travelling home ---------------------- ------------------------ -------------------

    The main programm The invisible exhibition

    This film asks the question: If you were blind for an hour would that open your eyes to blindness?

    Senses of Hungary
    Budapest Senses of sight and hearing

    The impessions of BUDAPEST