La cimade Association

  • La Cimade Association

    Béatrice Lemanceau and Sophie Lamoine, the members of La Cimade association, which is located in Pau and have been operating since 1939, were asked to
    present its work. The association defends refugees and migrants‘ rights and dignity regardless any political views, origin as well as fights against discrimination,
    xenophobia and racism. What is more, all association members are volunteers. They cannot provide migrants with housing or food, however, they are entitled with presenting any required information as well as with explaining the situation of the country
    and etc.


    French – what are they?

    Françoise Taupiac, a teacher of Honore Baradat lyceum, asked the participants of the project to answer True/False statements about French people. It was a fun way to get to know better about the host country‘s people, their habits as well as regulations. There are some examples discussed during the meeting:

    - French women embody the ultimate in elegance (True or False)
    - French are tend to be xenophobic (Truse or False)
    - No meal without bread (Truse or False)
    - French are angry with the equality of men and women (Truse or False)
    - France is a country of strikes and demonstrations (True or False)

    An interview with Vincent Samuel, Luisa Mauget and Carole Foulon.

    Vincent Samuel 

    You are the main coordinator of Erasmus+ DBB project, aren’t you? So, is it difficult to be in charge of such an important position?

     It’s true, coordinate an Erasmus project is a bit stressful, but we have been working with some partners like La Rochelle (France) or Lithuania for 10 years and with Meda for 4 years. With Erasmus project we build, we are like a big family and I know I can count on each partner. Our first mobility in Turkey was a big success. We have found very good partners such as Turkey, Greece. Everyone wishes all the best for our project.

    What difficulties do you face while coordinating this project?

     When we wrote the project with Carole, Rosaria, Rosi, Daniele, Jack and Fred, we made work hypothesis. In particular, for the building of the game. We imagined the planning of the mobilities
    in order to make possible the construction of the game. I hope we are in the good way…. Crossing fingers.

    In this project, we are working with two new partners (Turkey and Greece). I hope they share our vision of European project.

    What successes could you name regarding the project?

    Our project is about migration. It’s a human subject which symbolizes meeting with different human beings as well as fraternity. I hope we will live a great adventure with this project .

    What do you expect from participating partners of this project?

    I hope we will succeed in achieving the planned activities without stress and full of happiness.


    Luisa Mauget

    Hello, I'm Devis and I'm a student of this school. I‘d like to ask you a few questions. Could you introduce yourself?

    Definitely, I‘m ....I‘ve been a head master of Honore Baradat Lyceum for about 4 years. I wanted to become a head master of this school because I believe in the future
    of vacational schools as many students tend to start working immediately after they finish school.

    Are you happy for the involvement of your students, teachers and staff in this project?

    I‘m really delighted and I want to wish success for all students and teachers. I do think that we are a good team.
    There are ups and downs like everywhere, but we talk and work together. Students are our priority. 

    Why is the project of Erasmus+ important for you ? Are you proud to participate?

    Well, Erasmus+ is a very good project and very important to everyone. I could be an example of someone who moved country. I arrived in France when I was 6 years old and I didn‘t speak French. But after some time I could. Also in our school there are students with about 20 different nationalities. French is a very difficult language. So, a lot of things have been put in helping students with their French.

    Carole Foulon

    What is your opinion towards Dreamers Beyond Borders project?

    I think it‘s really a big opportunity for our students and teachers .They can discover new friends, new culture in Europe. They will never forget the week spent with Lituanian and Greek students.
    For me, it's not only a humanistic project. In fact, it allows to fight against school dropouts, appease and prevent tensions between communities and to promote values that we believe in as listening and benevolence.
    In conclusion, a real family is being built (for both teachers and students!).