4th meeting in Austria - 8th - 13th of September 2019

  • Here you can write your impressions after meeting in Austria

    Travel in Austria

    I was very happy to go to Austria because it was really good and we learned a lot of things

    A beautiful trip

    This travel was very good. We saw and learnt a lot of things. Austria is a beautiful country. Thanks for this week.

    The travel in Autria

    It was very good, we did a lot of interesting activities. The meal in University was good, we could taste food that there isn't in France. This travel is cultural, we learnt a lot of things on the city of Naple and on the buldings. Lou

    Trip in Austria

    This travel was very good. I learnt a lot of things and saw very beautiful places. I wish to go back to Austria in a short time. Thanks for this wonderful week!

    Matija, CROatia

    It was a great meeting, with nice people from partners scools. I found lots of new friends. Activities were interesting and I had a lots of fun.

  • A mobility dedicated to POLLINATION.

    Students made a common exhibition about pollination: photos of pollinators and posters about the cycle of life of different melliferous plants.

    They also could observe the results of an experience carried out in the HBLA High Scool's orchard: some apple trees were covered by lets in spring, to stop pollinators access to the flowers.

    Students met a local beekeeper, Mister Bien. He is a queen-bee breeder and his bees produce an organic honey.

    Thanks to the great austrian team, all the partners could appreciate the local culture: Vienna, Westlands around the Danube, the Wachau (wineyard place, UNESCO), ...