3rd meeting in France - 12th - 17th of May 2019

  • Spain Pesticides.pdf

    Italy Electromagntic waves.pdf

    Grmany Varroa destructor.pdf

    France Vespa velutina.pdf

    Croatia Nosema ceranae.pdf

    Austria Loss of Bee-o-diversity.pdf


    As part of the Erasmus + beecome project the week May from 13th to 17th, the Collège Notre-Dame de Marvejols welcomed European friends: Croatian, Italians, Austrians, Germans, Spanish

    During this week the students through several activities (Icebreakers, vallon du Villaret, activities at the college... ) have learned to know each other, or to consolidate ties with certain comrades already encountered during the travels in Sicily and Spain.

    The Tuesday morning outing at the Trunk apiary at the Pont de Montvert and the exit at the Parc des Loups du Gévaudan were the opportunity to make discover our beautiful and dear Lozère

    Two outings that satisfied everyone so much the scenery and the tours were good
    But we must not forget the purpose of this move
    On Thursday 16 May all the students gathered to present a conference in English on the dangers of bees
    Each country takes turns presenting its work.

    And since the disappearance of the bees is a danger for the planet, students and teachers have invaded the streets of Marvejols for a great demonstration (led by Madame Gibelin, the project leader) to mobilize people to the dangers suffered by bees
    A week enjoyed by everyone rich in sharing, conviviality, culture and emotion



  • Here you can write your impressions after meeting in France

    Croatia - Lovro Hlebec

    I had a great time. My host family was nice and very kind. We had interesting activities and visited diferent places like insect museum, lake, farm, beekepers... The best time was wen we had
    demonstration on the Marveyols streets.

    Laurine, France

    We spent a very good week with all the students, we hope you enjoyed it too ! Everyone was friendly that's why we had a great time together. Thanks for everything !

    france, Anthony and Kérylène

    It was a beautiful week with the other nationalities, we had a lot of fun ( mainly with the Croatians and the Germans during the party )
    We hope to see you again .
    This project is very important for the protection of the bees but also to discover new friends .
    We miss you
    Thanks for the best week ever

    Noé, France

    It was a very good time with the other students !
    And I miss you !