Awareness Campaign for Bees

  • Do have you enough to eat? Soon no longer. Why? Bee deaths. If you don`t understand why than eat just eat for one day foods there have nothing to do with bees.

    That means: 

    No honey

    No fruit 

    No vegetables

    No bread

    You can say that you can almost eat nothing

    Bees are importante for our life an d world

    (We could put that text on the flyer)

    Hello we are French team. This is our idea :

    a March for the Bees

    - with flyers, signs, posters

    - dress code : a T-shirt with beecome logo (maybe) or black, orange, yellow clothes

  • Our ideas for bee campaign!!!

    Croatia - Lucija

    My idea is to make T-shirts with bee on it and go arround the town together!!!

    French team

    Hello we are French team. This is our idea :
    a March for the Bees
    - with flyers, signs, posters
    - dress code : a T-shirt with beecome logo (maybe) or black, orange, yellow clothes

    Austrian Team

    We suggest to create a short YOUTUBE video, where we want to show how the life would be(e) without bees. For example with a well known influencer.

    Austrian Beekeeper

    See you soon!


    I have an idea too. We can mix the 2 ideas in 1. The t-shirts from Lucija with the flyers,signs and posters. We can go arround the town with the t-shirts and the flyers,signs and posters. I hope this will help.


    I love the idea with the YouTube video. But who knows a well known influencer,who would do somthing like that? Maybe somebody could write a well known influencer?


    I love the idea with the influencer too but I think every country should write an influencer. the reason for this is that you can be so sure that as many people as possible learn about ERASMUS +.


    I think it is a good idea to creat t-shirts with our own logo. Every country could have their own design and then we could wear it, when we meet us in the diffrend countrys.


    Hey there! I just wrote a well known influencer from Germany,if he would make a video about the life without bees. Maybe you know him. Its Julien Bam! Suprise! I hope that he will write back and will make this video. That would be the best thing ever for us! Thank you Austrian Team for this idea :)

    Austrian Team

    Hello Vivien!
    Great idea, we think that Julian Bam is a great influencer for Germany and Austria too. We think that the other countries should also organise some Influencers, so we can reach as much people.

    Italy- Claudia

    Hi everyone, I'm Claudia.
    I would like to share with you two ideas for the beecome project:
    The first one is the slogan "Save bees, love life" which I think describes and summarizes perfectly what the project recommends, printed on t-shirts. The second one is a spot where every guy gives an opinion on the experience of the beecome project, wearing the t-shirt with the logo.
    What do you think about this?

    Italy- Sara

    "Hi, I'm Sara, a student from Italy's school, I thought that the slogan can be: "Bees for be". What do you think about this?"


    Hi, I am Lucija and this is my idea. We should make a parade around town. We would wear T-shirts with picture of bee on it and posters with "save the bees" caption on it. Also we could share flyers.

    Croatia - Filip

    We could make bee costumes and train some dance which we can preform flash mob on town square! Song which i recommend

    Croatia, Danijela

    Hi, i think the best idea is to make t-shirts with logo and go to the town to show that bees are very important.

    Croatia, Patricija

    Hi everyone, maybe we should write a song with some lessons about bees or some sings to carry around the city.


    We can create a survey for the people. Ask them to answer and give them explanation why the bees are so important. We can wear t-shirts with motto "No bees no life".


    We should wear T-shirts with slogan "Save the bees for future" and sing some bee song (which we will make together).


    Hi, I thought about giving flyers, but also giving free badges, (simple and round, with image of logo, simple drawing of bee, some sentence or quote about importance of bees ("no bees, no honey; no work no money." "Bee yourself." "bee crazy" "If we die, we're taking you with us.")). A lot of people like badges and in that way we will spread our project to more and more people.


    We sholud wear T-shirts with slogan "Save the bee- save the life" and give flyers to the people.

    Croatia - Lovro

    My idea is to wear a T-shirt in yellow color whit slogan " Save bees for a better life" and go around the town together. We also can make poster whit some slogan and give to people.

    French-Léo and Noé

    We think all your ideas are good (but we really like the Gabrijela's idea) and we wait for you to come in France.

    Myriam GIbelin-Teacher

    Myriam Gibelin - Teacher

    Hello to each of you!
    It seems that you have similar ideas...and great ones.
    So, May 16th, it's going to be the Beecause Day. During the morning, you will customize T-shirts to make a march for bees. You will also have materials to create signs with slogan and a song!!
    Please, each of you will have to bring his own T-shirt (WHITE or ORANGE...a pain one would be better to write on it with felt pens).
    About infleuncers, if you have some videos, send them to me, and I will do a medley we will upload on Insta/FB. See you in France:)


    There are a lot of good ideas like make T-shirt, badges and a awareness video.
    We wait you in France!

    French - Laurine

    I really like Gabrijela's idea and the slogan of Sara for the march for the bees ! See you in France.

    Ryan french

    Hi I like your concept Hrvoje but I don't know if they were accept the song

    Anthony, French

    Hi I like the idea of Lucija with the idea of the bee on the T-shirts but we can add a slogan that of Hrvoje "Save the bees for future"

    France - Léo

    Hi, I think all your ideas are good and I still want to thank the Spanish for the trips that were great. We are waiting for you in France