Project Evaluation



    This was the first e-twinning  project of our school but not the last. When I come across a facebook invitation we were excited about the idea of ​​this project and we wanted to take part in it. When I announced the project 'Don't be shy ,give it a try'  to my school, one-third of students asked to participate in the project. Before this project, my students had no interest in learning a foreign language. By the help of participation , students' interest in foreign language increased. Students' absenteeism decreased.Thanks to the project coordinator,  we were in constant communication with all the participant schools . The demand for our school increased with the active participation of my colleagues . We received positive feedback from the parents of the students . we created awareness about e-twinning in my school, my students, parents and colleagues. We were very happy to be involved in this project. Many thanks to those who contributed 

                                                                                                   Banu AYDOĞDU

                                                                                                   Teacher of English