Italy LTT - report





    Via della Polveriera n.2  -  00053 Civitavecchia (Roma)

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    LTT – ITALY - CIVITAVECCHIA 8th – 12th April 2019



    Project code: 2018 –I- FR0I- KA229- 047950

    Funded by EU Erasmus + programme



    The first LTT of the project took place in Civitavecchia, Italy from the 7th to the 12th of April 2019.


    The participants of this project were :


    FRANCE: Lycèe Professionnel Ferdinand Buisson of Ermont- coordinator

    ITALY: Comprehensive Stendhal Institute of Civitavecchia (Rm)

    MALTA: Paola's altenanativo learning program

    GREECE: 4th High School of Katerini - Katerini

    POLAND: Zespol Szkol Ogolnoksztalcacych nr 1 w Kwidzynie

    BULGARIA: Prirodomatematicheska Gimnaziya "Vasili Drumev" Veliko Tarnovo


    The language of the project was English


    The first LTT was hold in Italy, at ITE “Baccelli” (ISS Stendhal) via Leopoli 16, 00053 Civitavecchia, Rome, Italy.


    The partners members participants were:


    France: 2 teachers and 5 students


    Malta: 2 teachers and 5 students


    Poland: 2 teachers and 6 students


    Greece: 2 teachers and 6 students


    Bulgaria: 2 teachers and 6 students


    Italy: 2 teachers and 6 students of the “G.Baccelli” Institute of Civitavecchia, plus students and teachers involved in different activities.


    Teams were hosted at Sunbay Park Hotel in Civitavecchia.


    The agenda of the Italian LTT “Sports and Diversity” was implemented and planned, taking into consideration the fundamental principles of the project itself. We organized activities to promote sports and diversity, aiming at social integration and promoting teamwork rather than sports performance. We had scheduled our weekly activities thinking about the basic concepts of “diversity and sport” to help participants to break down prejudice and develop relationship between all the members from different countries.

    The First Mobility respected the activities that had previously been planned in the first Meeting held in Ermont in France between teachers responsible for the Project in their own country.


    Weekly planning report.


    Monday, 8th April

    The “G.Baccelli” Institute welcomed the five participating nations after having taken them from the hotel where they were staying. Each country presented itself by providing information on each participant and their own school and favourite sport. The presentation lasted longer than expected, but the atmosphere was already very nice, warm and friendly. Subsequently students and teachers of the participating countries went to have lunch at ISS “Stendhal “ via della Polveriera 2, Civitavecchia. After lunch the five delegations were taken by bus to the hotel. We usually moved by private bus so as to facilitate the everyday activities.

    It should be emphasized that students enjoyed spending time not only during the morning but also in the evening. They usually met and had good time around the city.


    Tuesday, 9th April

    The daily activity was organized at the Beach Tennis club inside the Sunbay Hotel.

    Three qualified and specialized trainers organised and worked with the students, introducing the basic rules of a very fun sport such as Beach tennis. They explained the game by letting them work and practice in small groups.

    After the beach tennis activities we moved to have lunch at “Naval League”, not very far from the Hotel.

    Later, the members of the LTT were divided into two groups and enjoyed a sightseeing tour of Civitavecchia and at the end of the mini tour we returned to the hotel.


    Wednesday, 10th April

    This day was entirely spent in Rome for the Sightseeing Day in our capital. The weather was rainy unfortunately; anyway, some of our young guides introduced to students some of the most ancient and historical places, monuments and famous sights of Rome.

    Piazza Navona , Castel S. Angelo, Piazza San Pietro, The Colosseum, the Mouth of Truth and The Circus Maximus are some of the places visited.



    Thursday, 11th April: This day was dedicated to visit a famous archaeological site of Civitavecchia known for the ancient Roman Baths, called “The Taurine Baths” where our teachers with some students acted as guides explaining the site. Then we had a quite long hiking tour in the countryside. We reached the place called “Farnesiana” by bus. That is a very ancient place surrounded by greenery and we had a long hiking tour up to Centucellum, the old Civitavecchia.

    The excursion lasted about two hours where the participants had fun talking to each other and enjoying the beautiful view and the wild fauna. The area is appreciated because of the ancient ruins and also thanks to the uncontaminated nature immersed in a lush landscape.

    At the end of the excursion we went to have lunch at the Agritourism Farnesiana where the teams had lunch.


    Friday, 12th April.

    The last day was  arranged inside the port. We had a meeting with a meteorologist who explained how the weather can influence and affect the sea conditions.

    At the end of this first activity, participants, divided into small groups, boarded 8 sailing boats of 12 meters each, and together with the skippers navigated with open sails along the coast. The majority of the students described this day as an “amazing experience and a fantastic sunny day”.

    We sailed for about three hours, students and teachers could drive the boats too and learnt the basic rules of sailing.

    At the end of the morning activities we had lunch at La Darsena Romana .

    All these experiences took place in an atmosphere of happiness and joy thanks to the participation of all the volunteers of the port who made the day wonderful.

    In conclusion we can emphasize that the original planning has been respected entirely. Students participated with commitment and great motivation. The Italian Team thanks all the teachers who have collaborated to best achieve this.


    The Italian team

    Mr Bruno Incarbona and Mrs Patrizia Bedini