What is MusIntegrACTION?

  • MusIntegrACTION Is a project that is co-funded by the European Union Erasmus+ programme



    MusIntegrACTION is a strategic partnership in the educational field for the sharing of best practices that has been selected by the SEPIE (Spanish service for the internationalization of education), which takes place between September 2018 and August 2020 and is coordinated by Murcia Music Conservatory.



    Seven educational institutions in Germany, Spain, Italy and Portugal take part in our project. Three of them are music conservatories, three are secondary education centres, and the seventh is an integrated high school and music centre. All the participating education centres are leading cultural agents.



    MusIntegrACTION addresses three Erasmus+ priorities: the promotion of the social and educational value of European cultural heritage, the strengthening of the teaching profession profile, and the promotion of a high-quality and innovative teaching vocation. Among them, the first is the most relevant one for our association.


    Activities Plan

    Our project involves carrying out a large number of activities, which are centred on four international teachers’ meetings, four international students’ meetings, as well as three transnational meetings of an organizational nature.
    These meetings are held in four different locations: Lisbon (Portugal), Murcia (Spain), Trento (Italy) and Weimar (Germany).



    MusIntegrACTION is accompanied by results that are both tangible (the logo of the project selected through  a competition among students, the audiovisual material derived from the meetings, temporary exhibitions, concerts, proposals to the educational authorities...) and intangible (development of key competencies among students, new methodological approaches among  teaching staff, changes in the centres’ institutional culture...).



    The MusIntegrACTION mobility activities directly benefit 70 students and 90 professors of the participating institutions and, only taking into account the rest of workers and students of these educational centres, have an indirect impact on more than 5,000 citizens. If we add to this the number of people attending the events organized, we can see the great impact the project has.


    If you need more information about the MusIntegrACTION Erasmus+ Project, visit our website
