• This is a Co-funded Erasmus Project KA 229 (2018-2020)


    "El proyecto "European city 5.0, a place to live" está cofinanciado por el programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea. El contenido de publicación es responsabilidad exclusiva del colegio Ntra. Sra. De la Fuensanta Jesús-María y ni la Comisión Europea, ni el Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE) son responsables del uso que pueda hacerse de la información aquí difundida."


    The European Commission is not responsible for any uploaded or submitted content. Such content expresses the views of its author(s) only.


      We visit our partners schools with at least 4 students and 2 teachers of each country to present the activities of our project to the school members.

    These are the dates of our visits:

    C1 Germany in December 2018

    Students and Teachers Meeting in Germany from 10-14 December 2018:

    PLACE: Feudenheim-Realschule in Mannheim.


    SLOGAN: "Starting the city of our future, a place to share".
    All partners brought a presentation from their own city about history.
    Germany made a workshop for all Erasmus-students about History. 

    C3 Bulgary in April 2019

    DATE: From 8.-12. of April


    SLOGAN of the mobility: "City, past and future".
    All partners brought a presentation from their own city about architecture and urbanism in present, past and future.
    Bulgaria made a power point presentation for all Erasmus-students about architecture and urbanism and culture.

    The students did a workshop painting Eater Eggs, very typical activity during the days close to the festivity of Easter.

    The host country told about a methodology at the teachers meeting of the mobility.

    C4 Denmark in October 2019

    C2 Italy in February 2020

    C5 Spain in May 2020 cancelled by covid 19 pandemia. It will be postponed to May 2021.


    "El proyecto "European city 5.0, a place to live" está cofinanciado por el programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea. El contenido de publicación es responsabilidad exclusiva del colegio Ntra. Sra. De la Fuensanta Jesús-María y ni la Comisión Europea, ni el Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE) son responsables del uso que pueda hacerse de la información aquí difundida."