What the youth of Croatia... think...

  • At the end of the last school year 2 (1st grade/ 15 year old) students conducted a survey on "Why should the youth of Croatia vote for the European Parliament representatives in May 2019".

    During the summer they worked on the scenario for their 45 sec video that would answer the question in a creative way. 30 students participated in preparing the props and creating the video for the Euroscola competition #thisTimeIvote #EUelections2019.

    It was the first (Civic Education) activity of a new (fresh registered) school debate club.

    We didn't win a trip to Strasbourg... but we had a lot of fun... and spread the message: EVERY VOTE COUNTS!!!

    The topic debate, video promotion visits to Europe House in our hometown and one student's mobility activity to Bulgaria are yet to follow.

    Watch the video:

    So... WHY vote??? My Ss said:

    Because we need people who will stop negative emigration trends in Croatia!

    Because we want equal educational conditions for the youth in rural and urban parts of Croatia!

    Because we want an educational system of higher quality and A SCHOOL FOR LIFE!

    Because, after 10 years of poisoning, we deserve clean air in Slavonski Brod!

    Because we want a lower poverty rate in Croatia!

    Because we want a better healthcare system in Croatia!

    Because we want a higher birthrate in Croatia!

    Because the number of discrimination and hate speech reports among peers is on the rise!

    Because we want better border protection!

    Because justice isn't available to everyone – more than 520 000 unsolved cases in Croatian courts!

    Because roads are built at spots where animal species dwell!

    Because we want brighter future for the Croatian economy!

    Because we want an improved position of Croatia in the European Union!

    Because we want Croatian tourism to improve!

    Because we want an increase in the export of Croatian products!

    Because the labour market is filled to the brim with youths who haven't gotten their first chance yet!

    Because we want GDP growth and better living standard in Croatia!

    Because we want an increase in Croatian economy's competitiveness within the EU!

    Because all Croatian workers deserve regular income!

    Because we want to make every place in Croatia suitable for life!

    Because Croatia isn't an island and it can't prosper alone! Croatia is a part of the EU!

    The European parliament is the heart of Europe and its representatives represent 500 million citizens of Europe, citizens of Croatia included! The youth have a desire for change, fresh ideas, new knowledge and creative energy! 

    The youth (of Croatia) should vote for the European parliament representatives because the older population doesn't know any better!

    It DOES matter who makes the decisions about you and me! 

    Do not stay silent! Your voice is important too! Go out and vote in the next Elections to the European parliament in May 2019!