23. Conference "Unite in Diversity".

  • The final closing of the project. The teams will present the results of the Project to school's community. The communities from different schools of the region will be asked to participate. Authorities from Municipalities, regional parks, museums will be asked to present too. Digital products on the screen will be broadcasted all day, the basic products of the project will be presented. This event will start and end in a day. Time for preparation for the event depends on school.

    24 of March 2021 - Closing Ceremony of "United in Diversity" Erasmus + Project

    "Thank you for introducing me to the project and allowing me to participate in its wrap-up. I'm really impressed with the effects of your work and collaboration. I applaud you for addressing problems that are particularly important both locally and globally. I believe that your experiences will inspire teachers worldwide. dr Danuta Kitowska, Centrum Doskonalenia Nauczycieli w Pile, Polska/Poland/  Centrum Doskonalenia Nauczycieli w Pile | Facebook"