Primary School in Fanianowo - "The Tolerance"

  • Tolerance -letter

    Dear friends!

    I am writing this letter to you to bring you closer to the topic of tolerance in our contemporary world. 

    Tolerance is patience, empathy and understanding for diversity. This concept, however, appears most often in discussions about religious views or national minorities.

    We cannot speak of tolerance only in relation to cultural or national matters, but we must look around ourselves. We are surrounded by people with different views, culture, skin color or a different orientation. Our priority should be to respect and understand their differences.

    We talk a lot about tolerance today, but it often does not go hand in hand with actions. However, living in such a culturally diverse society forces us to learn respect, kindness and tolerance towards another person.

    In the present day, people who are poor, disabled, of different nationality, addicted or have different views are exposed to the greatest manifestations of intolerance. It is a very common problem that affects many people around the world. Such people focus on the appearance and financial status of another person most often. They are not interested in what a person has inside or what they have to offer. They judge everyone in advance. They are unkind to others and do not respect people.

    I believe that this behavior is not appropriate. People who represent such relationships with others can set an example for younger ones that they shouldn't be. Each of us, regardless of our views, deserves forbearance, understanding, respect and, above all, happiness.




    Polish Erasmus team invite you for our comic books  of the tolerance, difference between people,
    which we prepared in Scratch.

    "Different and yet the same"

    Comic - "Different and yet the same"