News Corner Germany

  • 12th of August 2019: Beginning of the new school year in Hessen


    As more room was needed, we now do have a new building which enlarges our school. The official opening ceremony took place the first day of school after our summer holidays. see:


     27th of August 2019: First meeting of our project team. Welcome to our new members!


    Leonie Trefz comments the new school year:

    "I only have three years until I will make my graduation and now the teachers expect really much from us. That´s why I have really much homework to do and literally no freetime. So I looked forward to our autumn break, which was the last two weeks, to relax a little bit. But in fact I had the first week to relax and in the second I had to learn for school as well. And now we have to write really much exams in the next time… so I have to learn right now."

    Bye guys


    2nd of September - 6th of September 2019: Our sixth, tenth and twelfth graders went on school trips. The younger students stayed in Hessen, the tenth graders went to Berlin and the twelfth graders to different destinations in Europa, to Spain, Scottland etc. for example.


    Rosa Leuz reports on her school trip to Berlin, the capital of Germany:

    "Holocaust Monument

    Our grade made a classtrip to Berlin, the capital of Germany. During our stay we visited many historically important and interesting places like the DDR prison Hohenschönhausen and the German parliament as well as the holocaust monument. I don ́t know if you have ever visited Berlin or the Holocaust Monument but just in case I will describe it to you. 2711 grey stone cuboids are placed on a 19 000m2 huge square. The stones are of different heights and the floor falls off towards the middle. Under the memorial is a museum which shows the persecution of different groups e.g. Jews by the National Socialists before and during the 2nd World War. First of all, a complete overview of concentration camps is given. Then, the museum shows the fates of individual victims and entire murdered families. In one of the last rooms you can listen to the stories from many different angles: victims, workers in the concentration camps... There's a search engine in the last room where you can search for victims' names. I personally think that this museum represents very well the stories of the victims of a National Socialist society. It's very sad to go through this exhibition, but I would still recommend looking at it because I believe that memorize history is important."


    28th of September - 13th of October: Fall break in Hessen


    3rd of October: Our national holiday in Germany, the day of the German reunification which took place in 1990.


    As the offical Erasmusdays 2019 fell on three days during our holidays, we had to share our Erasmus experience and spread the word about our project right after the fall break - better late than never!


     1st of November 2019: Alumni meeting at Goetheschule Neu-Isenburg


    9th of November 2019: Open Day at Goetheschule Neu-Isenburg: Members of the public - especially families of future students - visit our school to get an idea about school life.


    21th of December 2019 - 12th of January 2020: Christmas holidays in Hessen


    Happy New Year and all the best for 2020 to all of you! We're looking forward to continuing our cooperation!


    20th - 31st of January: "Getting to know the world of work". Our tenth graders are doing an internship to learn about different professions, to get work experience, to strengthen their résumé etc.


    18th - 24th of January: A school trip to South Tyrol, Italy. Our eighth graders spend one week in the North of Italy and do a lot of sports. It is not that easy to learn skiing :-)


    31th of January: The end of the first term in Hessen. Students get their semester report.


    10th - 15th of February 2020: 18 students from Goetheschule Neu-Isenburg went to Poland, to the former Nazi German concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz. Some of the students who take part in this trip are also part of the Erasmus+ project group.                                                                                      KL Auschwitz was the largest of the German Nazi concentration camps and extermination centers. Over 1.1 million men, women and children lost their lives here.                                                                                                                    We are convinced that a thorough knowledge of this part of history is very important and therefore take part in educational programs in the memorial and museum with students every year. For further information see:


    The main festivities happening around Carnival are coming closer. The carnival session, also known as the "Fifth Season", began - like each year - on 11 November at 11:11 a.m. - and will finish on "Ash Wednesday". Students and teachers of Goetheschule Neu-Isenburg will enjoy some days off: We don't have to go to school frome "Rose Monday" untill "Ash Wednesday".


    16th of march: Schools have closed to help stop the spread of coronavirus. In Hessen, only the final examinations, the "Abitur", are going to take place. Special safety precautions will be taken.


    17th of March - 3rd of April: Schools are closed but we are still working. Students and teachers experience online teaching.


    4th of April - 19th of April: Easter vacation in Hessen. This time, everybody stays at home - no trips to other countries or within Germany.
    Have a happy Easter - despite the current situation! Stay healthy and safe!


    18th of May: Back to school! We do not go back to normal, but schools are open again. Conditions of learning and teaching are much different from what we are used to. But the second part of our final examinations can take place.


    25th of May - 5th of June: The oral part of the final examinations takes place at Goetheschule Neu-Isenburg.