Exchange in Italy 2019

  • In November 2019, from 17th to 23rd, there has been the 3rd mobility planned in the project, the host Country has been Italy (Caserta), our school, “ Istituto Comprensivo De Amicis-da Vinci” has hosted 4 teachers and 10 students from Dolany (Czech Republic) and 3 teachers with 6 students from Baixa de Banheira    ( Portugal). The students have been hosted by our students’ families, so 15 students have lived the exchange directly, together with the 7 teachers of the Erasmus staff present in the school but all the teachers and students of the school have participated at the activities planned. In fact, during the visit of the school and during the Leonardo Day organized to celebrate the 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci’s death, children of primary school and students of secondary school have welcomed the guests with a concert, traditional dances like tarantella and songs played by the school little orchestra; then, we have presented some of our lessons in labs, for example experiments in Science lab, painting and drawing activities in Art lab, robotic lessons and STEM activities in Technology lab.