Legend 8

  • On December 5th, 1967 Blue Beard the pirate was kidnaped by Krampus the half-man- half-goat in the big dark and moist cavern. There were rats and bats. The tavern was at the bottom of a mountain of Val-Carmonica. He had kidnaped Barbe Blue because he did not like pirates. When Krampus went to scare the children, Barbe Blue shouted strong battle cries. Blue Beard's friends heard screams and went to check and found Barbe Blue inside the cave and tried to take it back from the cave and eventually managed to get it out of the cave.

    But Kampus realised that Blue Beard was not where he leave him, Krampus saw that there were a lot of different footsteps on the floor, so he follow them very quickly, until there were not more footsteps. That is becuase, Blue Beard put him a trap!!! All the friends of Blue Beard were up, in the roof and leave a big rope to capture him. He was bewildered and he was shouting and puching a lot and in one punch he hit the wall and a lot of big rocks of the roof. Blue Beard and his friends could scape, but Krampus couldn´t, he was without very good movement, because he was with the rope.

    So Krampus died and Blue Beard and his friends could escape from the bad guy Krampus, and after that Krampus ghost appeared. Every night tried to scare pirates and get them to the trap. He wanted the revenge. He wanted all pirates to suffer. They had to feel the pain that Krampus had felt when he was hung. He managed to kill all the pirates and disappeared from Earth.