PART 2 - Scotland

  • I-  Discover Scotland

    Task 1: Do some research about your assigned topic and create a presentation to share your knowledge with your partners.
    1) History (Spain)
    2) Famous places (France)
    3) Geography: mountains, lakes, isles (Italy)
    4) Facts about Scotland (capital, symbols, animals, typical food...) (Lithuania)
    5) Famous people (singers, actors,writers, sport men/women...) (Spain)
    Task 2: Play the Escape Game about Scotland.

    II- Write a ghost story together

    Task 1: Read a Scottish ghost story and write a summary in the Twinspace so that all partners discover the story.

    Task 2: Let's write a ghost story together.

    SPANISH TEAM: Decide on the elements to include in the story (place(s), characters, situation). (We need 8 stories)
    When, the other teams have written the story with your elements, you will write the end of the story.

    FRENCH TEAM: Use the elements given by ............... team to write a ghost story.