Legend 7

  • It was dark at night , a group of children were walking and they started to degrade the Coliseum . The coliseum was gloomy and it was cold . The Krampus observed the children . He was ugly and terrifying , he had sharp teeth . One child caught sight of red eyes . He told to the other children :

    « I saw a monster ! »

    A another child said :

    « No it's false , it's your imagination »

    Little by little the children disappeared , until only one child remained. The child began to stress , he heard a bark then the Tibecena took shape in front of the child . He ran toward the exit of the Coliseum but ...he fell into a pit, where he found a secret passage, so he managed to escape thanks to Pegasus who took him home. During the trip he told him to have brought his friends home and his unicorn friends were fighting again the Krampus.

    Finally krampus was defeated , the child´s returned to her houses and they continued with their lives.  But two year´s later the krampus appeared in the dreams of each of the children saying a single phrase "You are me"

    From that moment each one of those children had that nightmare every night of their long lives.

    After that, during the Christmas season, Krampus started to appear, to punish them for misbehaving and children didn't know what to do and who ask for help. When the children grew up and had their own children, it hadn't stopped...

    Nowadays, there are people who dream about Krampus and still see him asking for a visit. During the nightmares, Krampus makes people commit crimes.