Results of our evaluation

  • This is the results of our evaluation

    We finished our project during the lockdown of our schools.

    You can see here it in big


  • Comments for teachers on our project

    VET Students

    By Murièle Dejaune (Trappes)

    I worked with students of CAP in electricity during my English lessons. My students mostly chose to be translators and scriptwriters. At the beginning it was a bit hard to make them found ideas but with perseverance they managed to work with their international counterparts to finish the tasks. they were able to progress in English in an original way and even found some mistakes on the documents on Meetingwords to correct. After the translators were able to accomplished their tasks.

    English lessons: learning by doing

    By Murièle Dejaune (Trappes)

    They all rushed on Google traduction but they soon realised that Google was not translating correctly and the sentences didn't sound French. So they worked differently and did their translations with the help of a dictionary online but only for a few words. They were eager to see the results of their work and pleased when they saw the comic book. Their evaluations to this project was very positive and they did it during the lockdown.

    Merci beaucoup !

    By Murièle Dejaune (Trappes)

    It has been a pleasure to work with you, my dear colleagues from Pek all along this two-year project.
    Working on this project was very fruitful and motivating. I would like to thanked my colleagues for their reactivity and their hard word for the success of this project. And a particular big thank you to Marcos who managed to publish our comic book.

    Good luck!

    By Marcos Vence (Compostela)

    Tivemos unha sorte bárbara porque o traballo que realizamos durante un ano e medio tivo o seu punto álxido no lanzamento de Pek#5, que cadrou coa celebración do 10º aniversario de Pek. O máis importante do proxecto estaba finalizado cando entramos na corentena!

    We need a break!

    By Marcos Vence (Compostela)

    Despois de once anos e nestas circunstancias tan estrañas que estamos a vivir, chegou o momento de facermos dúas cousas, tanto as socias do proxecto como a propia Pek: descansar e evolucionar. Abrimos un paréntese e xa se verá como e cando regresaremos.

    Un abbraccio molto speciale a Bruna Giacosa, che già ha cominciato il suo bello compito di si riposare ed evolvere ;-)

    A great challenge

    By Mihaela Petcuta (Târgu Jiu)

    I involved students from the secondary classes to work in this project. Despite their age, they managed to accomplish their tasks: translator, cartoonist and scriptwriter. They found the work a great challenge with a wonderful result.

    Working with you, dear friends and colleagues, proved that friendship crosses the borders and makes the people feel close.
    I want to thank you for keeping Pek on the roads of mind and creativity, compressing a two-year activity in an everlasting comic book!

    VET & Obrigado!

    By Marcos Vence (Compostela)

    Quero agradecer a todas as persoas que fixeron posible o traballo no proxecto Pek durante 11 anos lectivos. Foi todo un éxito e un milagre que permitiu ao alumnado de FP Informática do IES San Clemente aprender moitos coñecementos e habilidades técnicas mentres creaban produtos reais e tanxibles.

    Alumnado, profesorado, as miñas queridas socias e amigas... pero tamén á dirección do IES que confiou en min desde o primeiro momento e que financiou todos os gastos (entre outros, a impresión dos libros) coa axuda económica puntual dos Concellos de Santiago de Compostela e Vilagarcía de Arousa, e a Secretaría Xeral de Política Lingüística da Xunta de Galicia a través dos EDLG.


    Thank you very much!

    Thanks to all partners who have been working on this project for so long!
    I have learnt a lot working with you and in September, when I retire , I will surely miss all of you, Pek, and all the beautiful experiences I had with E-twinning. Perhaps as an Ambassador I may be seen online somewhere. I will surely be your affectionate follower!!

    Trustworthy partnerships

    I worked with students from Art and Technical classes. We worked during our English lessons. The students had a chance to use their knowledge of English and they became more confident in their skills in using the language. Most of them were scriptwriters, strip cartoonists and translators. They were eager to work with their new friends from different countries. They were actively engaged and they also leart how to solve various problems and how to evaluate their work and methods.

    Thank you to all my partners. I learnt from my colleagues a lot. I think we made trustworthy partnerships.