Module 4 (17 to 21 years)

  • Tasks


    4.1 Body cult(ure)

    The appearance of our bodies has taken on more and more significance over the last few decades. The “beauty cult” of washboard stomachs, tattoos and cosmetic surgery, which we have become accustomed to seeing on a daily basis, reflects this, as do more relaxed dress codes and the way gender roles are perceived today. Illustrate the effects of these things on society.



    4.2 The common European house

    The “European house” of the future needs to be redesigned. What future demands (e.g. inclusion, integration, ecology, peace and togetherness) do the politics and architecture have to satisfy? Create a design.


       Graphic made with in the eTwinning-project  "Make me a European"



    4.3 Culture of constructive debate

    In his 2018 Christmas address, the Federal President of Germany said, “We need to relearn how to argue without foaming at the mouth and learn to tolerate our differences.”  Show why a respectful culture of constructive debate in Europe – including on social media – is more important than ever.


    Padlet from the Erasmus+ Project  "Speak up Debating Society"