Task 2 - Promoting Mindfulness/Mental Wellbeing in Pupils

  • In order to help pupils maintain a growth mindset and positive mental wellbeing, we provided pupils acorss all 6 partner schools with a series of videos, posted daily, to provide them with strategies to maintain their wellbeing. 


    These included, 

    1. Daily movement breaks in class using GoNoodle videos and snippets;

    2. A series of short mindfulness videos by AB Coaching providing pupils with practical ideas of how to stay positive in these challenging times. 

    All videos have been posted on the Armagh CBS website and are still accessible there. Please follow the link below: 



    And here is the video of one of the Relax Kids workshops delivered this week.

    " scrolling="no" src="https://www.armaghcbs.com/cmsfiles/videoframe/?videoID=1080" width="570">