Finland - Metsäkylän koulu

  • Metsäkylän yhtenäiskoulu is located in Ylöjärvi, Finland. We have over 540 students and the school is growing. At the moment, the school has students from 1st to 8th grade, but within a year will be a full-size comprehensive school of grades 1-9. The number of students will increase up to 850.

    Our staff concists of two principals, 25 class teachers, 4 language teachers, 2 math/physics/chemistry teachers,  2 Finnish/history teachers, PE teacher, home economics teacher, wood shop teacher and 4 special ed teachers. Our school has 7 school assistants helping in classrooms. On our staff, we also have a school secretary, the kitchen staff, the cleaningstaff, a janitor and a school nurse.

    Our school year is about 190 days. We usually start the second week of August and finish no later than the first week of June. The school is off for a week in October (week 42), two weeks around Christmas, a week in February (week 9) and a few days around Easter.

    You will find our school at  (unfortunately all the information is in Finnish) and at (mainly photos of all that's going on at school).