Project plan


                                                          Glitter Words
    [ - *Glitter Words*]             


       Planned project activities by month:

    September: starting work on the project and getting to know the project teams

    September / October: observation of insects in school gardens at the end of the growing season of plants. Insect recognition and start creating a school insect atlas.

    October: teleconferences with partner schools; filed activities about biology and ecology arthropods


    November / December: biology and ecology of insects; creating and sending cards to partners


    January / February: the role of bees and ants in the world of nature; pupils draw and describe the species of insect chosen in English


    February: teleconferences

    March / April: construction of a large model of the selected insect; creating a book of arthropods in our area


    April:  creating social campaign for the protection of bees

    April / May: field activities; planting and sowing plants that the bees feed on

    May: construction and erecting of houses for insects in the school gardens, observation and recognition of insects; teleconferences

    June: filed activites; history of bee keeping and practical application of products from insects; summary of the project.