Logo competition - rules

  • In the beginning of the project we started a competition to find a project logo

    These were the rules:

    1. The logo should be squared size.
    2. The logo should include reference to the theme of the project.
    3. Each pupil will be allowed one entry only which should be in colour.
    4. Pupils can use every technique they want to. In case of using a photo as template it must be self photographed. Don’t use any copyright restricted material as template!!!
    5. All entries of each partner will be uploaded to twinspace – here the name, and the school (+ class) should be added in the information.
    6. From all entries of a partner, one will be selected as the partner’s nomination for the final selection.
      That means in the final round will be 8 logos (1 from each of the 8 partners).
    7. Each partner has 6 points totally to vote for the project logo. These points can be given to one logo, or to different logos A partner school may not vote for its own selection. Pupils should be involved in voting (national and final vote)
    8. The winning selection will be that with the highest number of votes. In the event of a tie a second vote will take place between the tied selections.

    Each participating class (responsible for a group in the project) is counted as one partner. So in the final round will be: 2 entries from Germany, 1 entry from Poland, 1 from UK, 2 from France, 1 from Croatia, 1 from Hungary.

    Download the rules  and  the worksheet .