Our travel guide.

  • Here you have the link to collaborate on our tourist book.

    You can add everything you consider important to help visitors when they decide to visit our towns. 


    • We will take into account the contents that were suggested on the page " Tourist book contents".
    • Don't use pictures if you are not the author. You can draw them, take your own photos or take them from "creative common".
    • We will work in  mixed nationality team:

      Greek flag team will work on including everything  you consider important about Feres and Alexandroupoli

      Spanish flag team will work  about Ceuta and Pola de Lena. 

      Lithuanian flag team will work about Vilnius.

      Portuguese flag team will work about Leiria.

      • You can use the forum to coordinate your jobs.

      Here it is our Travel guide. Enjoy it.

    • Videos about the tool madmagz

      Kids from Ceuta, working on this task and using the tool madmagz.
      Pola de Lena, Spain.

      Working on the Travel Guide.