Our project logo.

  • Each country  create  logos for our project, (students can draw it or use any web tool to create them) and then, upload the best one into this page.  We will vote for the best one through the web tool "tricider". 

    Portugal- Leiria

    Greece - Alexandroupoli
    Greece- Fere

    Lithuania - Vilnius
    Spain - Ceuta
    Spain - Pola de Lena.

    And the winner is: 

    Vote your favourite logo and add a comment if you want. 

  • Creating logos and voting the best Logo

    Pola de Lena, Spain

    Voting the best logo.

    Ceuta, Spain.

    Voting their favourite logo.

    Feres, Greece.

    Voting the best logo.

    Alexandroupolis, Greece.

    Voting through tricider.

    Vilnius, Lithuania.

    Working on logos.