The Many Benefits of Breakfast

  • The right breakfast foods can help you concentrate, give you strength – even help you maintain a healthy weight.
    Your mother is right when she says that breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Not only does it give you energy to start a new day, but breakfast is linked to many health benefits, including weight control and improved performance.
    Many studies show that eating a healthy breakfast can help give you:
    • A more nutritionally complete diet, higher in nutrients (such as protein, fiber and carbohydrates) , vitamins and minerals (aboveall calcium)
    • Improved concentration and performance
    • More strength and endurance to engage in physical activity
    • Lower cholesterol levels
    • Weight Maintenance
    Eating breakfast is important for everyone, but is especially so for children and adolescents. Children who eat breakfast perform better in the classroom and on the playground, with better concentration, problem-solving skills, and eye-hand coordination, allowing students to do better on tests. If you feel tired or have difficulty concentrating during the day, consider adding breakfast to your daily habits.
    Eating breakfast regularly may also help students maintain a healthy weight. According to a study published in “Public Health Nutrition," children who skipped breakfast in the morning were more likely to overeat and have a lower overall diet quality than children who ate breakfast every day.
    Hunger sets in long before it's time for lunch, but because it's not convenient to eat properly, many people who have not eaten breakfast snack on foods that are high in fat and sugar.
    People who skip breakfast are unlikely to make up their daily requirement for some vitamins and minerals that a simple breakfast would have provided.
    Breakfast provides energy for the activities during the morning and helps to prevent that mid-morning slump.
    Tips on Eating a Quick and Healthy Breakfast
    Pick 2-3 foods, including at least one from each of the following food groups:
    • bread and grain (i.e.cereal, toast, home made muffin or plum cake)
    • milk and milk product (i.e. low-fat yogurt, low-fat milk)
    • fruit or vegetable group (i.e bananas, apples, carrots, fruit salad)
    • Get up 15 minutes earlier.
    You can fix and consume a healthy breakfast in 15 minutes or less. Plan ahead to eat breakfast. This means you should decide what you are going to eat for breakfast before the next morning.   You can save time by putting out the box of cereal or cutting up some fruit the night before.