2. Working process

  • December 2017 to January 2018: Teachers started communication by Twinspace and by mail to agree in the objectives of the project.

    February 2018: Ice-breaking activities: Inscription to twinspace + Who’s who activities (share written profiles) + online team meeting

    February-March: preparing presentation on healthy lifestyle and environment in each country.

    March: Mobility to Torrefarrera.

    • Presentations about healthy lifestyle and environment.
    • Workshops on local language, traditions and dances.


    • Questionnaire in each school about the project topics.
    • Games about waste recycling and healthy lifestyle.

    May: Mobility to Arad

    • Presentations about the results in each school
    • Playing the evironmental games.
    • Workshops on local language, traditions and dances.
    • Sharing opinions and final conclusions

    May-June: Evaluation of the project

    June: Disseminating results and the experiences