According to the answers that have been sent in the forms, we have:
Blue Team: Only 2 countries validated the good answer to the Red escape room.
Green Team: the teams from the 3 countries validated the good answer to the Purple escape room, last answer 08/06 at 9:11:08.
Orange Team: the teams from the 3 countries validated the good answer to the Blue escape room, last answer 08/06 at 9:05.
Purple team: the teams from the 3 countries validated the good answer to the Orange escape room, last answer 08/06 at 9:11:02.
Red Team: the teams from 2 countries validated 08/06 at 8:50, but the third didn't.
So the winner is the ORANGE TEAM!! Congratulations!
It is the second time this team wins the Escape Room Challenge... so they are real champions!