Ice-breaking videoconference

  • These are the instructions for the online event.

    Step 1:

    Each student has to vote to contribute the project logo: go to and use the code 30 10 3.

    Step 2:

    The international groups have to play a game helping each other to solve the questions in the shortest time and minimizing the errors: each question is very easy for the ones who live in a town but are very difficult for the other ones.

    These are the links to the groups chatrooms and to the Socrative web site

    Team Chat room Socrative: room name 6A5789D3
    Blue Username: ITAB or FRAB or GERB
    Red Username: ITAR or FRAR or GERR
    Yellow Username: ITAY or FRAY or GERY
    Green Username: ITAG or FRAG or GERG
    Purple Username: ITAP or FRAP or GERP







    Remember that you have to collaborate with your foreign mates who know many of the answers to the questions... for them they are very easy!!!

    So... have always a look to the chat room: also your mates could need your help!

    The winner group will be the one who gets the best average score of the whole team!