2. Agenda for the 1st Transnational Project Meeting

  • Description of the project


    • 4 partners: Italy, Romania, Turkey and Hungary. The fifth partner, France, withdrew from the project.
    • Coordinator country: Hungary

    Project members:

    • Zsuzsanna Dr Hegedüsné Varga, Lívia Margittay, Anikó Sóvágó, Andrea Varga and Robert Hepp from Hungary
    • Angelica De Castro and Domenico D’Onofrio from Italy
    • Dumitru Ioana and Liliana Dăscălița from Romania
    • Derya Sali Sagogullari and Zeynep Mutman from Turkey

    Elaborate and brainstorm on:

    • Activities: 

    1-Planting and growing trees, flowers and vegetables
    2-Preparing lesson materials
    3-Participating in charity events
    4-Cooking, repairing and doing house works
    5-Running personal budget/ doing own shopping
    6-Taking social responsibility and being volunteer individuals for our environment
    7-Helping children in primary and kindergarten schools
    8-Visiting Old people in the neighbourhood and talking, helping them
    9- Owning a pet and taking theirs responsibilities/building house for them
    10-Cooperating in the lessons and doing peer studies/improving international friendship
    11-Organising recycling activities with peers in the school/in the neighbourhood

    12-Living like disabled children and understanding their world

    • Objectives

    -Creating an active, happy and fruitful learning environment inside/outside the classes
    -Providing real learning and developing our children’s self-confidence/basic skills
    -Developing ICT, Language and Digital skills of students
    -Preventing lack of basic skills (literacy, mathematics, language, science, technology) 
    -Improving self-esteem and self-confidence of students

    Sharing tasks and responsibilities:

    Communicating and cooperating under supervision of the coordinator school 
    - Running activities in school open to everyone 

    - Choosing the students who will join the exchange meetings in a fair way.

    - Participating in short term exchange (Students and teachers)

    - Doing dissemination activities in school after every visit. 
    - Putting the relevant data on the project web-page.
    - Preparing travel manuals
    - Durable works by students
    - Articles in local newspapers/radios/TVs after or during meetings.
    - Choosing students and separating them in groups and doing their work programme 
    - Observing good practices in partner schools and transferring them.


    Introduction of the project 

    Project team will be created in each school / Students will be set up/ Erasmus+ corners will be prepared / Digital monitor will be placed

    Posters and brochures will be designed / The students will contact each other. Distributing leaflets/ brochures to the local authorities and schools in the region.

    Creating checklist, initial questionnaire, evaluation papers and observation documents

    Work programme and types of activities will be negotiated, project will be re-organised, host students will present school, city, county, cultural features, traditions, folklore and artistic products for guest teachers

    Planning and agreeing related to LTTA-s and 2nd TM:

    April 2018 - Italy

    September 2018 - Romania

    November 2018 - Turkey

    February 2019 - Hungary

    April 2019 - Turkey 

    Expected results:

    -Providing real learning
    -Developing ICT, Language and Digital skills of students
    -Preventing lack of basic skills (social, daily, literacy, mathematics, language, science, technology) 
    -Improving self-esteem and self-confidence of students
    -overcoming lack of basic skills 
    -integrated good practices and new methods into daily activities; 
    - improved practices to cater for the needs of disadvantaged groups and to deal with social, linguistic and cultural diversity;
    -improved provision and assessment of basic and transversal skills, entrepreneurship, language competences and digital skills;
    - improved levels of skills for future education;
    -having better understanding and recognition of skills and qualifications in Europe and beyond;
    - increased enthusiasm for school and responsible behaviours,
    -providing a real activities which transform theoretical knowledge into practical behaviour, l
    -Creating web-site of the project and running it
    -Creating an active and happy school environment outside the classes


    Students are the main focus in all stages. Teachers are supervisors and beneficiaries. Administrative staff are also another important members. Parents and local community will be the side beneficiaries since they will be the target group while we are disseminating our project activities, outputs and results.