Primary school of Ornago
The primary school of Ornago is part of the Istituto Comprensivo Manzoni of Ornago and Burago, a school district composed of two primary schools and two middle schools. It is a public school.
It’s situated in Ornago, a little town of about 5000 inhabitants, 30 km far from Milan, in Lombardy, a region in Northern Italy.
In the primary school of Ornago there are 13 classes, 262 students from 6 to 11 years old.
About the 25% of our students has special educational or social needs.
Children stay at school from Monday to Friday from 8.30 a.m to 16.30 p.m.
In the two first grade classes involved in this eTwinning projects, there are 42 students.
Joining this eTwinning project we would like to meet new European friends and improve with them our science competences. We also would like to build up the idea of European citizenship in the students, parents and teachers of the whole school.