• The Erasmus + KA219 project “WITHIN NETWORKS, THE BEST AND THE WORLD OF SOCIAL NETWORKS” is a strategic partnership between 3 schools in Poland, Portugal and Spain.

    The project was born from the interest of the students to establish relationships through social networks with young people from other European countries, their high motivation for the possibility of using audiovisual media and the need of the schools to internationalize their educational practices.

    With the planned activities the following objectives are pursued:

    1. Improvement of the English proficiency of teachers and students.
    2. Improvement of the capacity of schools to manage international projects.
    3. To promote the professional career of the participating teachers through the improvement of their competences.
    4. Improvement of the digital competence, using new technology and social networks as tools and media of work and , paying special attention to their responsible use.
    5. To acquire knowledge and developing skills related to the design and production of audiovisual projects.
    6. To acquire appropriate knowledge and skills for teamwork.
    7. The incorporation of new methodologies and resources into educational practices, especially those related to the use of new technology and new tools of communication and to the international cooperation between schools.
    8. To promote social and civic competences, with particular relevance to intercultural awareness and European coexistence, and the critical, responsible and respectful use of social networks.
    9. To promote the internationalization of schools in general and their educational practices in particular, strengthening professional relationships with other European centers.

    To achieve these objectives, the participants will receive training on the responsible use of social networks, schools will create working groups of teachers and Erasmus workshops for students who will work in 4 blocks or periods:

    1. Use of Instagram and eTwinning by students to introduce themselves and to show the rest their way of life (town, school, free time, sport, cultural activities …)
    2. Use of Facebook and eTwinning to report cyber-bullying and to make an audiovisual prevention campaign.
    3. Use of YouTube and eTwinning to denounce violence in the networks and to make an audiovisual prevention campaign.
    4. Use of Twitter and eTwinning to denounce messages that promote prejudice and that pose a problem for intercultural coexistence, audiovisual prevention campaign.

    In addition, in order to get a higher degree of achievement of the objectives, 3 motilities will be done with students to the countries of the partner schools to carry out teaching-learning activities, coexistence, cultural exchanges and dissemination of the project