• Did you know that Italy has more World Heritage Sites than any other country on earth? So, what exactly is cultural heritage?


    This web quest will take you into the wonderful world of cultural heritage. Please do all the activities below.

    You will work in groups. At the end of this journey you will have to create and record a dialogue to present your outcomes to your classmates and partners!

    Task 1

    Browse the following websites and find the answers to the following questions.

    a.    What is cultural heritage?
    b.    Which international organization deals with world cultural heritage?
    c.    When was the first Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage developed?
    d.    What is tangible cultural heritage and what is intangible cultural heritage? Which are the main differences between them?
    e.    How many selection criteria are there to be enlisted as World Cultural and Natural Heritage?
    f.    In your opinion which of the 10 criteria are the most important? Why?
    g.    What will happen in 2018? What are its aims?


    Task 2

    a) Browse the following lists and find 1  tangible and 1 intangible cultural heritage sites/traditions located in Europe
    http://ich.unesco.org/en/lists   http://whc.unesco.org/en/list
    b) Put the links chosen on Zeemap (password: europe).
    Choose: "Additons" --> Add Marker - detailed
    Add the following entries:
    1) Location--> Name and Location;
    2) Details --> Write some information about the cultural heritage site/tradition chosen and give two reasons why you have chosen it.
    3) Media --> Copy and past the link of a picture or of a video about the cultural heritage site or tradition


    Task 3

    Answer the questions. You may need to do some research on the internet.
    a) Is there any world heritage site in your area? If yes, which one?

    b) Look at the selection criteria needed to become a World Heritage site. Which ones does your local world heritage site meet and why?




    • Use the information you have collected to create a dialogue. Choose one of the options belows.
    • Record it as a mp3 file o video. You can upload it in our Google Drive (username: treasuringeurope@gmail.com, password: etwinning).
    • Then copy and past the link it onto the following Padlet.

    Choose one of the following options:

    1) You are  a group of friends. Some of you have just discovered what cultural heritage is and want to transmit this information to their friends.

    2) You are a/some journalist/s in charge of making a radio programme about cultural heritage. Interview one or more experts to talk about it and have a listener speak during a programme.

    3) You are a/some journalists in charge of making a TV programme about cultural heritage. Interview one or more experts to talk about it.



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