• Treasuring Europe


    Project summary

    The project was conceived during the eTwinning Contact seminar "European cities between past and modernism" held in Esslingen (Germany) from 12th to 14th October 2017.  It is catered for 14-16-year-old students from 5 different countries from 5 different corners of Europe (Italy, Spain, Germany, Poland and Greece) who will reflect on what cultural heritage is and will gain a deeper knowledge about their local cultural heritage. Meanwhile they will also get to know new places, monuments, traditions and cultural expressions across Europe, becoming aware of similiarites, respecting the differences and nourishing their European identity.



    - Improve students' knowledge about European cultural heritage
    - Improve foreign language skills
    - Improve use ICT tools in a competent way
    - Encourage critical thinking,  problem solving and creativity
    - Provide opportunities to develop cultural awaress, European citizenship and identity
    - Encourage the development of soft skills such as the ability of working in groups and taking up intiative
    - Use innovative teaching and learning methodologies


    Work process


    1. Students' presentations

    Students introduce themselves on a virtual board. They talk about their relationship with culture. Then they read their partners' presentation and look for their ideal buddy.


    2. School and town presentations

    Students introduce their schools and towns by means of videos and presentations. They create some quizzes for their partners about them.


    3. Webquest about What is cultural heritage?

    Students learn about the concept of cultural heritage. They browse several links to answer some questions and finally they present what they have learnt by means of a podcast.



    4. Christams chatting groups

    Students are divided into transnationl groups. Each group is assigned a forum in the Twinspace. They are encouraged to get to know better by talking about several topics.


    5. Logo contest

    Students are divided into national groups. Each group create a logo for the project and explain the idea lying behind i. It can be a picture, a drawing or a digital logo. Then all the students vote for the best logo.


    6. A European virtual cultural heritage tour

    Students choose a cultural expression or site of their area they think is worth showing as European cultural heritage. They do some research about it and prepare a video presentation about its past, present and future. Then each video is put into a virtual map in order to give life to a European cultural heritage tour.

    The tour will be accessible online and as a leaflet. In the leaflet th map and the videos will be available by means of qr-codes.

    Each partner will also create a quiz about the tour they have planned.


    7.  Feedback and dissemination

    Students are invited to watch the videos created by their partners and to say what they would like to visit or experience and why. They they will give a final evaluation of the project.

    The outcomes of the project will be disseminated by each partner on their school websites and by other means such as prints or posters.


    Expect ed results

    Students will create a virtual cultural heritage tour across Europe by working in groups. Each group will choose  a local cultural heritage expression such as a  monument, an industrial building, a natural site, a culinary tradition, etc. and tell with videos what they used to be, what they are now and what they might be in the future. All the works will be put together in a virtual map accessible both online and off-line by means of posters and printed brochures.