
  • Videoconferences

    Greece with Italy and Portugal December 2018

    On 13 December 2018 we organised a videoconference with the students from Portugal, Greece and Italy. We sang Christmas songs and exchanged Christmas wishes.


    Slovakia with Lithuania June 2019

    Slovakian and Lithuanian teachers and students met on 5th June on-line to have virtual mobility, to have videoconference.

    The topic: Traditions

    We talked about project and sang traditional songs. It was great on-line meeting.



    Greece with Lithuania December 2019

    We sang Christmas songs and exchanged Christmas wishes.


    The Greek team would like to thank the Lithuanian team for the communication in the Videoconference. It was so great to see and talk to each other.


    Slovakia with Greece - October 2020

    Dear Greek team,

    Thank you for great videoconference realized on occasion Erasmus Day 2020. It was nice to meet you and talk with you again. We created poster for this celebration.

    Slovakian teeam.


    The greek team organised on 15 October 2020 an Erasmus day 2020 with the title   "We learn the historical treasures of Europe".

    To see the event click on the link below:

    "We learn the historical treasures of Europe"

    During this event we realized a videoconference with the Slovakian team. All our students were so happy to see and talk to the Slovakian students.

    We also created a poster for this event.