
  • Activities at  Slovakian school

    1/ We organized LOGO contest at school. 

    2/ We craeted paintings to all topics in the first year: Historic events, Sights, Monarchs.

    We created international collages to these topics from exchanged material - paintings after meetings.

    3/ We created presentations to each topic. We looked for informations in Internet, learnt about history, got new knowledge, translated into English, look for pictures,...

    4/ We organized 2 Project Days at school and in Town Hall to inform pupils, teachers, parents and community. 

    5/ We created Christmas cards and Easter cards and sent to our partner school.

    6/ We have done online quizes to each topic. welearnt a lot from them. 

    7/ We displaed information to all students, teachers and parents at school.

    8/ We created film about all activities in this project.