6. Let's present our facilities in our towns

  • Presentation of facilities which help us to keep fit

    Presentation of facilities we have in our town to keep fit such as fitness club, sport fields, …..and shops with healthy food

    Tasks :

    • In the Padlet below, start your post by telling from which country is the facilities.
    • One post by one facilities. You can give the internet link.

    Your sentence has to start with this pattern

    --> In Bulgaria, in (write the name of your city) there is a ....

    --> In Cyprus, in (write the name of your city) there is a....

    --> In France, in (write the name of your city) there is a ...

    --> In Greece,  in (write the name of your city) there is a ...

    --> In Romania, in (write the name of your city) there is a ...


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