A Silent Walk Story

  • Most of the time we are walking, so it is a good opportunity for the children to keep their attention in this routine. This is why we would like them to enjoy through stories, the kindness of breathing and the slow movements  to be aware about the importance of walking. We don´t need a special place or moment at school to practice this experience, just a room, a corridor or the schoolyard are enough for that. Imagine we are teaching language and we develop listening. Let's start with this story for 'Silent Walk' at school.

    Story: The elves and the silence in nature.

    Once upon a time, there were a family of elves who roamed the lands of nature. They loved and honored the land that they walked on, and all the creatures that shared their environment. The elves children spent time in the woods to prepare themselves for adulthood. 

    In the silence of the woods, they would come to discover themselves and their place in the world. Silence was necessary to listen to nature and to not to frighten away the creatures of the forest. They learned how to walk silently, mindfully through the forest in order to not disturb what was happening around them. They walked as quiet as they could to respect the Earth.

    Now it is our turn. Pay close mindful attention to your feet and body. Step breathe in, and follow your breath down to the sensations in your legs and feet. We will start by gently lifting our right leg noticing the sensations as our muscles tense. Then gently begin to lower it. Bring your attention to the bottom of your feet as you gently set your heel down first, and then silently set the rest of your foot and your toes down on to the earth, and feel the weight of your body shifting onto this foot and away from your left foot. Notice that your body knows how to walk, how to balance without even having to think about it. Thank your body for its own wisdom. Feel your left heel come back gently to the floor or earth, softly moving the rest of your foot down. 

    When your mind wanders, simply notice where it goes and return to the task again.  Let the earth holds you; trust your body to carry you along. Walk without a destination, walk just for this step, just for this breath... and in silence like our elves friends. Enjoy slow and relax breathing.

    Figure source "Elves": http://holiday.filminspector.com/2014/11/christmas-elf-coloring-pages.html