


    Topic:Why do people become radicalized?

    Mentor Teacher:Rosanna Torsello

    Interviewer: Stagona Ioanna, Greece

    Interviewee: Michael Legakis, Professor of Philosophy.

    Topic:Humanitarian Values 

    Mentor Teacher:Nancy Gkiotli

    Interviewer: Ege Karanfil

     Yusuf Kutay  Doruk (Turkey)

    Interviewee: Meryem Koçak,Biology Teacher

    Topic:How to Overcome Cultural Stereotyping

    Interviewee:Ergün Yüce,assistant principal

    Interviewers:Naime Şerife Esen,Nida Nur Üngör

    Mentor: Ewa Druzbalska Kopka

    The Connection between Radicalisation and Terrorism

    Interview with Ms Anna Smater Nagraba, history and current affairs

    Teacher at Zespół Szkół nr 1 in Mińsk Mazowiecki, Poland;

     by Natalia Chromińska and Natalia Szuba

    Interview by Marcello Lezzi

    to teacher of I.T. M. L. Pietramala

    Why do people become radicalised?

    Interview with Mrs. Sarinelli,

    teacher of Italian at Fermi School

    by  Nachira Francesca and Vetere Gaia 

    Interview by Stergios Margiolas – GREECE

    Topic:Raising intercultural understanding

    Mentor:Marian Luca

    Tzintziloglu ırene,Greece,

    Cultural Stereotyping

    Principal, Mrs Sachinidou Maria

    Professor at the lesson of Ancient Greek Language

    by Aphroditi Stefanidou - GREECE

    Interviewee: Maria Peristeropoulou, Greek Philologist


    Topic: How to Overcome Cultural Stereotyping

    Mentor: Ewa Druzbalska Kopka



    Topic:Why do people become polarized?

    Interviewee:Ali Orhan Günaydın,PE Teacher

    Interviewer:Yağmur Böğürcü

    Mentor: Nancy Gkiotli

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