Our Schools

  • In this page students from Italy, Malta, Germany and France will present their schools in an interactive way.  Let's discover what is common and what differs in our respective schools!

    Our Schools

    The map below shows the location of our schools. Click on the placemark to get more details.

    Students from Germany, Malta, Italy and France commenting on their school premises and activities using Voicethread tool.

    Gozo College Middle School (Malta) and  Scuola Seconardia di I grado 'O. Bernacchia - M.Brigida (Italy)


    German and French Schools


    On Friday 2nd February 2018, eTwinning extended its activity beyound our normal classes as a special video-conference was organised during the morning assembly of the Gozo College Middle School.  After a short introduction about what eTwinning is all about, participapants  coming from Termoli and Gozo College had the opportunity to connect though SKYPE and ask questions to each other.  It was a truly successfull event that got positive feedback both form students and the teaching staff.